This week in English we had to identify a book title and looked at a cover of a book, we discussed some of the features on the cover, we looked at the book and were able to identify things that may be in the story and what the story may be about. The book we looked at was The Whisperer by Nick Butterworth. In Tuesday English we had to correct sentence mistakes, adding full stops, capital letters, and finger spaces.


We have looked at ten more than a given number in our daily ten. We have enjoyed adding two digit numbers up to 30.


In maths, we have concentrated on the 2, 5, 10, 3, and 4 times tables.


In Science, we looked at Omnivore, Carnivore, and Herbivore skeletons and had to distinguish which of the animals had different looking teeth if they were either of the above.


In Geography, we have looked at the rainforests. We studied temperatures and what animals may live in these parts.


In EQ we have been able to say something nice about one of our peers in the class.