Therapy Centre

The Nyland therapy team is dedicated to supporting the school in addressing the holistic needs of each child. Comprising three key professionals-an Occupational Therapist (OT), a Speech and Language Therapist (SALT), and a Psychotherapist-the team creates a nurturing environment. The Centre serves as a safe haven where pupils feel both secure and understood, fostering their emotional and developmental well-being.

Pupils identified as needing therapeutic intervention either through their Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP) or based on observations by teachers, parents and carers can access therapy within the school. Therapists work closely with the adults supporting the pupils to address the objectives in the EHCP or focus on specific areas of need. Through careful assessment and progress tracking, therapy helps pupils' close educational gaps and achieve their goals.

Psychotherapy provides pupils with a safe space where children can express their more vulnerable selves, knowing they will be heard and understood. The therapist creates an environment that allows pupils to express themselves in the ways that suit them best. The primary goal is to help pupils improve their well-being, cope with life's challenges, and develop healthier thinking patterns, behaviours and relationships.

Speech and Language Therapist (SALT) specialises in assessing, diagnosing, and treating speech and communication difficulties. They assess pupils for speech sound disorders, such as articulation difficulties (trouble pronouncing sounds), fluency disorders (like stuttering), and voice disorders (issues with pitch, volume, or voice quality). SALTs evaluate both expressive (difficulty using language) and receptive (difficulty understanding language) challenges and provide support through 1:1 interventions or group work."

Occupational Therapist (OT) focus on supporting pupil to be able to perform daily activities and improve their independence, addressing physical, cognitive, emotional, or developmental challenges. OT's use a personalised holistic approach to support pupils in adapting to, or overcoming disabilities or age-related changes. This support may cover areas such as self-care, daily school expectations or tasks, home routines, and social participation.

All of our therapists are highly qualified, experienced in their fields, and have prior experience working with children or in teaching roles. They are dedicated to supporting pupils and work collaboratively with parents, carers, families, and staff involved in the children's care. Therapists maintain open communication with teachers, participate in internal and external agency meetings, and provide feedback within their professional boundaries to ensure there is a joined up integrated service.