Image of Uffington Class Term 5 Week 4
9 May 2024

Uffington Class Term 5 Week 4

As part of their English work, Uffington Class have watched an animation called 'The Blue…

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Image of Uffington Class Term 5 Week 3
3 May 2024

Uffington Class Term 5 Week 3

This term during their EQ lessons, Uffington have completed lots of activities helping them to…

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Image of Stonehenge Class Term 5 Week 2
26 April 2024

Stonehenge Class Term 5 Week 2

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Image of Uffington Class Term 5 Week 1
19 April 2024

Uffington Class Term 5 Week 1

This term, Uffington Class are learning how to use clay in art. We learnt about slabbing and…

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